Your Guide To Magnesium


There are many compelling benefits of Magnesium; more than 80% of people have a magnesium deficiency. So, it’s no wonder this has become an exceptionally popular supplement that is widely regarding and taken by many to achieve a number of different outcomes and help with a wide-range of conditions.

In this post, we take a look at the pros and cons of the magnesium supplement in detail, in order to help you decide if it is the right supplement to add to your diet.


How to Tell If You Need Magnesium Supplements

There are a wide-range of conditions where taking a magnesium supplement can be beneficial for treating the side-effects or the actual problem directly. Although some of those listed below can be caused by a magnesium deficiency, others can be eased by taking magnesium supplements.

·       Restless Leg Syndrome
·       Mood Swings and Behavioural Abnormalities
·       Heightened PMS Symptoms
·       Trouble with regular sleep patterns
·       Cardiovascular Disease
·       Fibromyalgia
·       Hypertension
·       Migraines
·       Liver and Kidney Disease
·       Tooth Cavities
·       Asthma
·       Muscle Cramping and Muscular Weakness
·       Impotence


Every day, the body’s natural stores of magnesium are depleted through Cardiovascular functioning, the production of hormones, and the regular movement of muscles. This is why it is essential to eat foods that contain magnesium or take magnesium supplements.

Magnesium is linked to a range of other nutrients that are in the body such as Vitamin K, D, and Calcium. This is one of the primary reasons why taking this type of supplement can be so beneficial, as these supplements can also help to control the levels of calcium within the body. If a person is deficient in Vitamin K or if they take Vitamin D supplements, this can also result in a reduced level of magnesium in the body.

Taking any supplement needs to be carefully monitored as it can lead to an imbalance with other nutrients. CHECK WITH YOUR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL.


The Pros and Cons of the Magnesium Supplement

Let’s start with the positives!

It Can Calm your Nerves: Also known as the GABA function, this neurotransmitter releases the type of hormone that helps to produce and regulate the release of serotonin. This specific type of hormone is responsible for promoting natural relaxation.

Boosting Energy: Magnesium is renowned for its energy creating powers by activating adenosine triphosphate (ATP), this is the 'explosive' energy that you use for weight lifting or powerful, fast exercises.

Get a Good Nights’ Sleep: Not only does this supplement help you to relax, but it can also relax both your heart rate and your muscles to ensure you get a great nights’ rest.

Relieves Constipation: Muscles within the digestive tract are eased, and stomach acid is neutralised, helping the free movement of stools and in turn combating the discomfort that is linked with constipation.

Potassium and Calcium Regulation: Magnesium is a key element of potassium and calcium transmission throughout the body.

Better Bone Density: Magnesium regulates the movement of calcium throughout the body. Studies have proven that if taken in the right dose, magnesium supplements will help to improve bone density.

Combats Anxiety: A magnesium deficiency can result in decreased levels of anxiety. One of the many benefits of taking a magnesium supplement is a reduction in the level of cortisol hormones, which are known to trigger stress and anxiety when not balanced correctly.

Good for Your Heart’s Health: Magnesium works alongside other nutrients to ensure the correct levels of blood pressure are sustained and is essential for good heart health. The heart contains the highest level of magnesium in the body.


Now, let’s take a look at the precautions you need to take when taking Magnesium Supplements.

We have seen that magnesium supplements can help with a whole range of conditions. However, there are a few side effects and possible interactions with medications that mean you need to exercise caution. It is advisable that you should consult with a doctor before starting to take Magnesium supplements.

Diarrhoea: If you take too much magnesium, this can cause you to get diarrhoea. It is always best to take the supplements with food to ensure the correct digestion and minimise the risk of this occurring. There are no one-size fits all approach for magnesium supplements, in certain people, a lower dose can have an adverse effect on the body, while in others, this could have no impact at all.

There are a range of other side effects that are listed as possible side effects of magnesium supplements. Although most magnesium supplements are low in their dosage, it is always best to check with a medical professional before taking them for a sustained period of time. Some of the side effects of overdosage include, but are not limited to:

·       Low Blood Pressure
·       Dehydration
·       Kidney Failure
·       Slowing of the Heart Rate
·       Cardiac Arrhythmia
·       Gastrointestinal Issues


Different Types of Magnesium Supplements

If you have taken a look at the different types of magnesium supplements, there are many different forms available. Not all of these are equal. Different forms are metabolised and can each have different effects on your body.

The most inferior types of Magnesium are not absorbed into the gut effectively and have strong laxative effects:

·       Sulfate
·       Oxide
·       Carbonate
·       Aspartate
·       Dihydroxide


The best types of magnesium supplements are far superior in terms of their absorption and are better at producing energy on a cellular level:

·       Chloride
·       Citrate
·       Orotate
·       Malate
·       Glycinate
·       Taurate
·       L-Threonate



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