WhatSupp? [Part 2]


By Beau:

This is part two of my supplement post series. If you haven't read the first one yet you can find it here.


  • Branch Chain Amino Acids are the support mechanisms for keeping hard lean muscle mass, with out BCAAs your body will start eating away at your hard work spent in the squat rack and leave you looking like a pregnant giraffe.

  • You spend hours and hours on the treadmill, or you have gone for that 10k run and think “EFF YEAH, GO ME! IM DOING SAAAAAA WELL!” Correct , you have burnt through so many calories burning all that fat and carbs that was sitting on your arse, but you don’t realize that now your energy source has turned to your protein, and protein is your muscle. This is where BCAAs play their part, they will help your body stop catabolising muscle in to glycogen as fuel.

  • As a general rule of thumb, I keep most work outs 45 mins or less to help the metabolic window use the right fuels at the right time, otherwise the food you eat depletes as an energy source, unless you are going to have a bite to eat mid session I would recommend having your BCAA as a intra-work out supplement to prevent your body producing cortisol and storing fat on your belly!

  • My two favorite BCAAs are: Scivation – Xtend, or Nubreed – Helix. Both come in a range of amazing flavours!


  • Creatine is a natural occurring molecule found in the body which helps with the delivery of energy to the body and the brain. When broken down on a cellular level creatine can aid the production and delivery of energy (ATP) to the muscle to help fight off lactic acid and increase strength.

  • When preforming short bursts of energy such as lifting weights creatine is most effective, especially when you get in to the end of a set and pushing out the last rep!


  • This supplement is a natural existing amino acid that helps with the break down of food in to energy, this is great for a lot of people such as vegetarians and mothers breastfeeding who would most likely be deficient in L-Carnitine (mainly because its found in dairy, red meats and avocado).

  • The major benefits of L-Carnitine is the oxidation of food into energy to help stimulate muscle growth and endurance, which makes it the perfect supplement for endomorphs doing cardio and burning through the fat. It also helps with fat by heating up your core temperature.

  • Another great benefit of L-Carnitine is that it helps with so many little processes that help the body function normally. For instance, I have found that it is a great supplement to help manage my fibromyalgia. Other disease and disorders can also get beneficially supplementation from L-Carnitine aswell.

  • It can increase energy and and imrpove resistance to muscle fatigue. As a speculated fighter of muscle disease, liver disease, and kidney disease, L-Carnitine has also been shown to help build muscle and even treat some forms of cardiovascular disease. It is great in dieting, as it reduces feelings of hunger and weakness.

Other Supplements you should check out are: CLA, Test-Boosters, E-Blockers, L-Glutamine, Beta-Alanine, ZMA

Check out the supplements we have available HERE.



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