Recipe: Vegan Caramel Nut Smoothie

First of all, sorry about how we have only been able to post once or twice a week lately! Incase anyone didn't know, Beau and I are in the process of trying to open up a gym and write 2 books (one is the free 8 week challenge book and the other is a full fitness guide for you)! That plus working our jobs and I'm doing summer semester at uni means that we are a little busy at the moment! But I decided to whip up this delicious smoothie for breakfast, I'm a bit of a sucker for anything that is almond butter or peanut butter flavoured, I just can't help myself.
Also check out the new eatrunlift instagram if you want to keep up to date with new recipes and fitness guides!
Makes 1 serving
Carbs 108g / Fat 23g / Protein 10g / Calories 636

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