Product Review: Cort RX

By Beau
For the last month or so I have been trialling a new product named Cort RX. Have you ever looked down at your belly and see just this pudge of fat that just sits there? No matter how much you train and follow a strict diet, you just see this fat hanging there like a balcony off the second storey of an apartment building. I was getting that, and it turns out the best thing to do about it is stop stressing about it, literally. Fat stores in the little belly 'pudge' region due to a hormone called cortisol, a stress hormone activated by mild level stress and long training sessions. I've touched on cortisol before and that doing long training sessions doesn't actually equal better results. 

Cort RX is a new product from Australian based Company ATP that has multiple benefits for your body, and your mind too. I haven't seen a product like this before and to tell you the truth it's groundbreaking, I'm not sucking up to ATP Science nor have they paid me for this review and as we have seen in the past Rachel has had a hiccup with the company before, and even she was impressed with the results I was getting.

These are the 2 points I'm going to touch on:

- More Energy
- Less Stress = Less Belly Fat

are they not what we all strive for in our busy, day-to-day lives?

Lets start at the more energy.
Cort RX is an adrenal cortex, we use our adrenal glands when we have any stimulative substance like coffee, pre-workout, fat burners etc. We drain the adrenal glands to a point where can't use them again until they start to rebuild and return to functioning order. So after that first coffee for the morning wears off and you go to grab another, you're not going to get that same stimulative effect that you got from that morning cuppa. It also blocks the sleepy chemical serotonin which means you will be more awake, that’s why you find so many stressful people are also insomniacs. More adrenaline = more energy.

Less Stress = Less Fat
Cortisol plays a major part in the bodies defensive systems, basically our bodies act first and think second, so if the body is under attack from any internal or external stress factors, it automatically thinks we are in danger and releases the chemical to our brain to calm ourselves down. Once this hormone has been released through the body it then store on our bellies as fat. Great…… another thing to be stressed about, being fat.

Whats in it? A whole heap of stuff I can't pronounce that's found in the ground which Rachel will probably translate for me when she puts this post up, like:
Schisandra chinensis (nicknamed 'five flavour berry', a woody forest vine, grows in China and Russia)
Withania somnifera (Indian Ginseng - the roots have been used in traditional medicine for centuries)
Rhodiola rosea (Rose root, a herb known to strengthen the immune system)
Turmeric (An Indian spice)

So it's an all natural product which a lot of you like. The thing that really makes me love this product is the many things it can help with as well in day to day life, like inflammation, anxiety, lack of energy and inability to sleep. So many people need help with these things and it's no wonder its been flying off the shelves.

This is definitely a product worth trying if you have at least one of the mentioned symptoms. I know this is something I'll be using for a long time.

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