The Forgotten Mineral: Why You Need Magnesium

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Magnesium is a vital mineral for both the brain and the body. However, many people don’t actually know just how important it is, and the many advantages that including it in your diet can bring. In this post, we highlight some of the foremost benefits that Magnesium can deliver.

Essentially, Magnesium is a mineral that is involved in more than 500 different bodily reactions, it is within every cell, and it is vital for the correct functioning of those cells. 


Exercise Performance

Magnesium helps to transform the food you eat, into energy the body can use. It helps with exercise performance in a number of ways. First of all, muscle movements are improved with Magnesium. It depends on which type of exercise you are doing; however, it is said that you need to increase your magnesium intake following exercise, in order to get the desired boost. Magnesium also helps to transport blood sugar into your muscles while also helping to get rid of lactic acid, which when left to build up, can cause a great deal of pain. 

Interestingly, during a study that was conducted, it was apparent that Volleyball players who took a supplement of 250Mg daily, where able to realize improvements in their arm movements as well as in their jumping capabilities. 


Reducing Blood Pressure

Magnesium can help to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. 

There are a number of studies to back this up. However, it is most effective on those individuals who have high blood-pressure, to begin with. 


Combatting Type-2 Diabetes

Magnesium is considered to be extremely effective for those who have type-2 diabetes. Not only does having a low intake of this mineral contribute to the likelihood of getting the condition; by adding it to your diet, you are less likely to get this. Taking Magnesium can result in blood sugar improvements and Haemoglobin A1c levels as well.  

There have also been many independent studies that show Diabetes patients who have lower than acceptable levels of Magnesium are then faced with having to deal with the inability of their insulin to be able to keep their sugar levels at bay. 


Anti-Inflammatory Advantages

There are definitive links between a lack of Magnesium in your diet and chronic inflammation. Foods that are enriched with Magnesium can help to reduce inflammation. A couple of great examples are dark chocolate and fatty fish such as Salmon. 

Having a lack of Magnesium in your diet has been studied in detail, and results show that it can drive obesity, aging, and chronic disease. 


Relieves Symptoms of PMS

Pre-menstrual Syndrome affects so many women of all ages. Magnesium has been proven to help alleviate some of those symptoms and offers a way to combat problems with low-mood, water retention and more. 

Research has proven that Magnesium supplements can help with the muscle cramps often caused by PMS due to its muscle relaxing qualities.


Aides Treatment of Asthma

Magnesium has been strongly linked with Asthma, and if you suffer from this condition, you’ll be pleased to know that increasing your Magnesium intake can help to ease the wheezing that comes with Asthma, it also helps to regular and controls the breathing, along with helping to relax your bronchial muscles to make breathing easier. 

There have been many studies into the benefits of Magnesium for Asthma sufferers which have proved that it can help to treat symptoms caused by the illness. 


Produces Collagen

Contrary to popular belief, Collagen is something which can help the entire body. Magnesium stimulates the same proteins that are needed to produce collagen, meaning it can serve to improve the health of your hair and your skin.

Research has proved that having more collagen in your body can help with digestion, hormonal balancing and joint and bone health in general.  


Helps with Bladder Control

Magnesium can help you to keep proper control of your bladder by helping to fight infections, nephritis, and interstitial cystitis. 


Healthy Teeth

Given that the bones are responsible for the most consumption of Magnesium within the body, it’s no surprise that this mineral can have a huge impact on the health of your teeth. Magnesium is responsible for the absorption of calcium within the body, it can, therefore, help you to have strong bones and healthy teeth. 

So now you know just some of the benefits of having magnesium in your diet, the next logical questions are, how do you get more of this mega-mineral into your body? Of course, you can take supplements. However, there are also a few other ways you can easily introduce more into your day-to-day regime by consuming foods that are naturally rich in Magnesium.

  • Black Beans

  • Cooked Quinoa

  • Halibut 

  • Cashew Nuts

  • Avocado

  • Salmon

  • Pumpkin Seeds

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Boiled Spinach

  • Almonds 

  • Mackerel

Simply put, Magnesium is essential for your body, whatever your age and whatever your condition. Without enough of this exceptionally beneficial mineral, your body will not be able to perform to its optimal ability. 


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