3 Easy Tips To Get Back On Track After Easter

Image from mode.com

Image from mode.com

Written by Taneille Martin
Eat Run Lift's PCOS Training Specialist

Easter, four days of sugar. Whilst most people have a lovely time catching up with friends and family often we are left feeling ill, tired and cranky, after our four day sugar binge. The good news is you don’t have to stay that way for long.

It is important to remember that your body will be craving sugar, so you need to stay focused, with the three easy tips below you should be more then capable of kicking those cravings to the curb in no time.

The first step:
Remove any further temptation from your home.
Give it away or store it in the very back of your cupboard for a later date.
Once your fridge is free of those sugary treats, head to the local fruit and veg store to replace them with fresh local produce. This will to help restore and replenish your body. try to avoid those starchy items that tend to make us feel bloated and heavy.

Your body may be craving sugar because it is dehydrated. Drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day to flush out toxins, and replace your usual caffeine fixes with peppermint tea. Also a sneaky tip might be to add lemon to your water for the first few days, the taste might help with the sugar cravings and lemon water helps hydrate the body faster.

Third Tip:
Get yourself back into a routine, if you are a regular gym goer do not waste any time! Get yourself back into that positive fitness environment and back into your program. Even take up one or two new HIIT sessions (Group classes are always a good idea).
If you are not associated to any fitness group, member at a gym or have a personal trainer now might be the best time to start.
Getting yourself a Personal trainer or a new gym buddy can help introduce you into the fitness world, it is also a great way to help keep you motivated, accountable and keep things enjoyable.

Exercise is not a punishment (even after your four day sugar binge) it’s a test of your mental strength and will power to say, "I no longer want to feel tired, unhealthy and irritable."



Are you having problems losing those last few kilos? Just don't know how to get started with eating healthy? Need something to kick your sugar addiction?
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Not sure where to get started for eating healthy?